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Srebrenica Genocide Study Tour

Srebrenica Genocide

Srebrenica Genocide Study Tour – Day Tour from Gorazde


Learn about Genocide in Srebrenica-a town in eastern Bosnia & Herzegovina.

In July 1995 more than 8.000 Muslim Bosnians were executed by Bosnian Serb forces (VRS). Boys and men were buried in a number of mass graves in and around Srebrenica region.

In addition to the killings, more than 20.000 civilians were expelled from the area-a process known as ethnic cleansing.  

On the night of July 11, a column of more than 10.000 Muslims Bosnians, boys and men set off from Srebrenica through dense forests hoping to escape from the surrounded town of Srebrenica, to reach safety.

To prevent them escaping with the ultimate goal to kill them, Serbian army (RS Army) used UN equipment and made false promises of security and lured the men to surrender. They were captured and subsequently executed.

Other Bosnian Muslims were forced out of Potočari that day through the use of terror, including individual murders and rapes committed by Serbian forces (RS Army).

Depart from Goražde at 8:00 am. First history tour will take place in front of battery factory, used by UN forces during the aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the “Museum of Srebrenica Genocide” we will meet curator and learn first-hand story about the survival in Srebrenica enclave, and help you understand the causes and impact of the worst atrocity in Europe since World War II  

The absurd of ethnic cleansing is evident by visiting Memorial cemetery Potočari where 6575 of innocent civilians are laid to rest, where number rises every year as more victims are identified from mass graves. Once thriving Srebrenica is now alienated, ethnically cleansed from its inhabitants – a ghost city.

Study tour fact file

The story of survival
  • Tour participants departing from Gorazde :

Srebrenica Genocide Study Tour