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Terms and Conditions

Seirli Guesthouse – DEvent

Our website address is:


Visiting Vibebosnia and leaving comments

When visiting Vibebosnia site we collect data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection.

Cookies and data

We collect data that is only absolutely necessary to process your booking. When you book an event or stay, you may opt in to save your details, email address. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you make another booking. We keep your details for one year.

Event Booking Conditions

  • Spaces (events and activities) are not reserved until the full payment has been made.
  • For events a deposit (bond) of 60.00 Euro is necessary to proceed with the booking. The bond will be refunded at the completion of the event/stay if there is no damage to property. In case of damage to a property, this deposit/bond will be kept in lieu of damage caused.
  • Direct Bank Deposit, Visa/Mastercard/PayPal are accepted
  • To avoid any disappointment, we suggest submitting an online booking form for approval as soon as possible.

Event rescheduling, cancelling and postponing

  • If your party is outdoors, you need to have a wet weather backup option should the weather turn miserable.
  • If you cancel / postpone with 14+ days before your event, you will receive full credit on your file towards your next booking (valid for 12 months)
  • If you cancel/postpone with less than 14 days’ notice before your event, you will forfeit a 50Euro booking fee to cover our admin costs, hostess cancellation and business overheads. We will provide you with a portioned credit for the remaining balance to put towards your next booking. The credit is valid for 12 months from original party date.



Seirli Pansion / DEvent Salon

Uslovi i odredbe rezervacije i korištenja

  • Prostor (boravak I rezervacija u pansionu kao i rezervacija DEvent salona , svadbeni salon i ostale vrste proslava, rezervacija se neće smatrati potvrdjenom dok se ne izvrši uplata ukupne sume istih.
  • Za potrvrdu rezervacije je neophodan deposit/kaucija od 60.00 Eura plus ukupna cijena rezervacije. Kaucija će biti vraćena po završetku boravka/okončanju proslave ako ne nastane šteta po imovinu, pokretni i nepokretni inventar (Seirli Pansion / DEvent Salon)
  • U slučaju štete na imovini, ovaj deposit/kaucija će se zadržati na mjesto nanesene štete.
  • Pri uplati možete koristiti direktni deposit na tekući račun, kreditne kartice,Visa/Mastercard/PayPal


Promjena, otkazivanje i odgadjanje rezervacije

  • Ako je vaša zabava/proslava na otvorenom, morate imati rezervnu opciju u slučaju vremenskih nepogoda i padavina.
  • Ako otkažete / odgodite 14+ dana prije vaše potvrdjene/plaćene rezervacije, vaš novac će biti vraćen
  • Ako otkažete / odgodite s manje od 14 dana vašu rezervaciju, naknada od 50.00 Eura će morati biti zadržana na ime administritavnih troškova, otkazivanje hostesa kao I ostalih poslovnih troškova.