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A historic tour of Gorazde

We start our tour from your place of stay in Gorazde.

Our first stop will be Goražde town gallery, located within old Austro-Hungarian building. Here is where we explore rich cultural heritage of the town.

Next, we will make our way to the war museum that is located in the Cultural Centre and under one of the town’s bridges. Yes, you are reading it right, there is a complete bridge built under the bridge.”  It is an engineered quick solution for safer crossing from one river bank  to another during the war.

Bridge under the bridge” has a permanent exhibition of Goražde citizen’s heroic survival during the 1992-1995 war and 1336 days of the siege.

We will take a walk over the bridge and under the bridge. A walk-through history, survival and thrive of peoples of Gorazde.

After that we will make our way to the site of re-building of Roman Catholic Church and hear the story of “Blessed Martyrs of Drina”. Their martyrdom is recognized by the Vatican, and Pope Benedict XVI.

 A large number of pilgrims each year are visiting the place of execution of “Blessed Martyrs of Drina”

During the World War II, 1943 five imprisoned nuns were taken from Pale to Goražde,

to avoid rape by the royalist Serb Chetnik squad, they threw themselves into Drina, committed suicide- drowned.  

From the town centre we will drive 15 minutes up the hill to the memorial-recreational park of Rorovi. From this hill the town was besieged and shelled by the Serbian army for most of 1336 days of occupation.

Our next stop will be our historic Ortodox St George church that is second oldest printing office in the Balkans. The church founder Herzog Stephen ruled those territories during the Middle Ages. Božidar Goraždanin brought the printing machine from Venice that was in use for only four years but contributed greatly of the region’s economical and cultural advancements.

Our last stop will be visiting rich Islamic cultural heritage Sinan Begova mosque and Kayseri mosque.

Duration: 4 hrs

Cost 15.00 Euro (minimum two people)

For a larger group price is negotiable